08 July 2011

Eevah Marie

So Nic and I decided to get a little miniature long hair dapple dachshund (I know I've already said that about three times, but let me explain). Like I think every other girl, I hate it when Nic has to go back to school and leaves me, and those random periods when we aren't able to talk. But unlike most long distance couples our solution wasn't a teddy bear, or writing letters or anything of the sort. Nope. Our solution was to get a puppy.

I had never really wanted a dachshund. I didn't get why you'd want a wiener dog, they're cute and all but they weren't on the top of my list. And then Nic kept talking about them. . and talking about them. . and talking about them, and I of course began to like them. But instead of a regular short hair typical wiener, I decided to make it girly. . and miniature. . and dapple. Haha.

After months (literally a year) of looking at puppies online while I was bored or stressed, getting close to getting a "chiweenie" over Christmas, and convincing my parents, I found Eevah. And I fell in love. . and Nic fell in love. . and my mom fell in love. And then my dad, who is the biggest animal lover was the one who said to wait. That obviously worked out real well. . haha.

So now when I get upset, sad, lonely, happy or any of the other emotions that come with lovely long term relationships I have a little furry friend to make me happy.

Also, we're getting out of the "cute baby who sleeps all the time" stage, to full "I'm a psycho" puppy stage. She has SO much energy. Which is why I decided to write about her. And a forewarning to anyone getting a puppy -- they'll steal your heart away, and drive you crazy at the same time. It's wonderful.



  1. This is how I feel! I love my Yadi Girl to DEATH but sometimes I just want to open the open the door and tell her to run away lol. Okay, not really but man she drives me insane. She's in the psycho stage as well. I feel like I have 4 words in my vocabulary
    Drop, Leave, It, No

    You feel that way?
