About Us

Hi there! Welcome!

I hope you enjoy this little blog. It's an easy way for sharing our daily lives as we move around on whatever adventure the Navy sends us on. Currently that adventure just happens to have us living in Milton, Florida. We're high school sweethearts, husband and wife and best friends.

Nic proposed on September 15, 2012 our 6 1/2 year anniversary
We were married on June 1, 2013 at the Naval Academy

Our family is completed with our miniature long haired dapple dachshund Eevah Marie, black german shepherd, Stella Rose and tabby cat Wall-e. To read more about them, click on "Eevah & Stella" at the top for all things about our furry family members.

Life isn't easy, and it certainly isn't always pretty but we're falling a little more in love every day and documenting the good, bad, and funny.


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