12 August 2015


We love kangaroos!  All we wanted to do while we were in Australia was see a koala and a kangaroo. Maybe hold a koala and pet or feed a kangaroo.  On Saturday I was able to see a wild kangaroo while at a ship hail and farewell. I was enjoying my pear cider and staring at the beautiful scenery when I see a critter bouncing along with a some alpacas. Mind you the fact that there were alpacas was weird enough. . but it definitely took a few seconds to realize that I was seeing a kangaroo. The next day we ventured to the park and I was smitten.

Caversham Wildlife Park sadly didn't let us hold a koala, but we were able to meander with and feed the kangaroos which was a decent trade off. Once we got there we could have spent hours in the kangaroo enclosure. They were such lackadaisical critters that I just couldn't help but fall in love with them. They also loved to cuddle with one another.  We came across a few groups where the lackadaisical critters were all just snuggled on one another.

I apologize for how picture heavy this post is, they were just adorable!


  1. Awwww!!! How sweet are they--they look so docile and furry! PS--Absolutely LOVING your new blog design!!!

  2. They were absolutely perfect. I think if I could have brought any critter home it actually would have been a kangaroo!

    And thank you! I figured I would wait for the big big change with you until I figure out this name thing. . which may take an eternity! haha
