26 September 2017

Month 4

Month four is over (HOW) and I am a little scared to report that my energy is finally coming back in fear that I may jinx it.  This was a SUPER exciting month!  We found out Nic got selected to fly Jets which is fantastic news!  This also means we'll be moving to Mississippi sometime (hopefully) before baby is born.  We're really praying it will be before January so I'm not moving eight months pregnant.  I can't decide if I'd rather move super pregnant or with a one month old, so we'll just have to see what the Navy decides.

As the month went on we've been venturing out on walks on the Blackwater Trail by our house and some wonderful walks on the beach.  One beach walk I decided we were walking to the pier.  Hindsight it was way to far and we didn't realize that until we were on the way back, but I did it and it was amazing.  You can't beat walking while getting a tan and breathing the ocean air.

Week 17 seems to be the week that things are starting to "pop" if that's the correct term? On the same note Nic's squadron set up photos with the T-6 and when we said I was pregnant and wanted to do a cute photo concerning that he was like "well I know you're not showing yet". .  So maybe we're just crazy? Who knows!

Things are definitely changing from month two and three.  I may be switching to periodic weekly updates after this because I felt like each week this month had it's own unique set of cravings/hate/emotions/excitements!

Here's a quick run down of how month four (weeks 14-17) growing baby went!

Total weight gain:  Same as before, no scale, no idea! I was tempted to get on the Publix scale the other day but I was in a bit of a crabby mood and decided against it for poor Nics sake.

Maternity clothes:  Week 16 my favorite looser jean shorts no longer can be comfortably buttoned. Everywhere else fits minus the button.  For some reason this was upsetting to me (crazy hormones anyone?) but I'm just going to have to embrace it and start using a hair tie to get me by.

Stretch marks: Still none thankfully! I switched to shea butter lotion and Burts Bees tummy lotion switching every other day.

Sleep:  I'm still exhausted but have had a harder time sleeping last week (week 16 has been a bit of a mess). A few restless nights and I haven't been able to fall back asleep once Nic gets up for work.  I've been able to get my schoolwork done earlier in the day, but it's still frustrating.  I tried going to bed earlier but just sat there twiddling my thumbs.  Here's to hoping I can get back into the groove of things sooner.

Cravings:  Chocolate and sweets. I've finally started to want to eat Publix garlic hummus and salads and crave some healthy snacks which is a welcomed change. I've also wanted Kombucha again and have made two cups of coffee at home this week which is a huge deal because the smell of regular coffee was making me queasy for a long time.  Sweets still win though.  Cakes, cookies, Nothing Bundt Cakes gluten free cake. . oh and pumpkin spice chai tea is my favorite of late.  I baked a chocolate cake and it sucked and Nic surprised me by baking some brownies yesterday and they were heavenly.  I've also really wanted Middlesworth BBQ chips, tea and garlic sticks from Pennsylvania.

Don't even bring it near the house: Bacon is still a big no.  Which is so depressing.  Also citrus is a no go.  We bought this adorable steam vegetable pack from Publix -- Rosemary Potatoes -- and I couldn't even eat it because the few lemon slices in it were too overpowering for me.

Missing: Just being able to open the fridge and eat some salami.  Also just feeling like I can work out.  It's interesting to see how quickly I get tired compared to before.  Sitting down to a good meal and enjoying it instead of not being able to eat it after two bites.

Feeling:  Nausea is still coming in waves.  Mornings seem to be good with mid-evening being my worse.  I've been feeling excited, nervous, terrified, anxious, basically all the moods this month.  Also grateful for my husband who has been catering to my hungers and moods without breaking a step. Gotta love that man.

Emotions:  See above.  My patience for people has also disappeared.  Hurricane Irma and everyone in Pensacola losing it when we were never even in the cone had me at wits end. Nic also asked me whether the thickness of the salami on the free sample at the deli was good enough (I'm a lunchmeat thin Nazi) and I think I probably could have kicked him. WHO OFFERS COLD SALAMI TO SOMEONE WHO HAS BEEN CRAVING IT BUT CAN'T EAT IT!?!?! We drastically disagree on whether it was really stupid of him or not, but I didn't kill him in Publix so it's all good. 

Looking forward to:  Feeling baby move and actually knowing it was baby moving.  Also finding out the gender in this upcoming month -- EEK! 


18 September 2017

Month 3

I hate to say figuring out which weeks are in which month of pregnancy took far too long and involved asking Nic for help.  I don't know if that's just being an idiot, general exhaustion or pregnancy brain, but we're going to blame the last one.  Poor guy made a comment about how I'm almost in my fifth month (!) and I literally made the same comment maybe five minutes later.  Gotta love his patience and ability to just laugh once I realized it.

Month 3 is over and I'm pretty excited, and also just bewildered at where the time has gone! We started doing our chalkboard and photos at week 10 and I've been mulling over doing weekly bump dates on the blog.  I have my belly book and have been doing the bump dates in there so we'll see. I may bring them over, or just continue to do my little monthly updates. It's fun to see how these compare from month two.

That being said here's a quick run down of how month three (weeks 9-13) growing baby went!

Total weight gain:  Without a scale in our house I've only been tracking it from doctors appointments. So far nothing!

Maternity clothes:  Nothing new yet.  My tighter skinny day shorts officially are uncomfortable, but they were uncomfortable before I started working out again so that's not really a big surprise now that I've stopped.

Stretch marks: Still none thankfully! I started using a shea butter lotion post showers.

Sleep:  I'm constantly exhausted and napping.

Cravings:  Church's mashed potatoes and coleslaw.  I've never had Church's before and never ever wanted Church's but one day I wanted mashed potatoes and cole slaw and that was our closest option and the way home, and I've been back multiple times since.  Pregnancy is odd.  Also chocolate and lunch meat (specifically salami and a wrap from Public!) oh and pumpkin spice latte. I don't know how many times I've asked Nic if it's out yet.  Or messaged my poor friend who works at Starbucks if there's any update on the release day.

Don't even bring it near the house: Bacon is still a big no. Which is so depressing.

Missing: Being able to work out, or do anything, and eat anything.  I've been so lazy.  A trip to the grocery store leaves me needing a nap and it has been a harder adjustment.

Feeling:  Still nauseous and super exhausted. Bedtime has gotten earlier and if I'm up until 10 it's a bigger deal.  We did have people over for the big fight and I was up past midnight and let me tell you I FELT LIKE SO COOL. And also was absolutely exhausted and fell asleep right as soon as everyone left.

Emotions:  I don't feel crazy so I'm counting that as a good thing.  I have been getting teary eyed faster at movies and shows.

Looking forward to:  Telling everyone other than family that we're expecting a wee little one! 



Month 2

It's so exciting to be sitting here writing this draft, knowing that only our parents know about little baby right now. To say I'm excited to be able to eventually share this with friends and family is an understatement. On the same note, it's kind of nice not to have to answer tons of questions and to have such a monumental and life changing "secret" amongst ourselves for a while.

That being said here's a quick run down of how month two (weeks 5-8) growing baby went!

Total weight gain:  We don't keep a scale in our home. I don't think it's a healthy habit to constantly check your weight so I'm not really sure!

Maternity clothes: Not yet, but I officially can't wear some of the tighter shorts I was able to get back into while doing the Tone It Up challenge. Also stole a few pair of Nic's boxers for sleeping because none of my work out shorts are comfortable.

Stretch marks: None yet! I've been liberally applying my Aveeno after showers. It's still too early to see any big changes anyways, but still.

Sleep: I am constantly exhausted.  I've never been a big napper but now I need at least one a day, preferably one around 9/10 if I get up earlier and then one in the afternoon/before dinner.  And then I'm in bed taking my medicine by 10:30 PM and that's pushing it.

Cravings: It changed throughout the month. For a little it was ham and pizza, and then the ham dropped off. It changed to anything chocolate (cake, brownies, Reese's), peaches or nectarines, and water. Tomato sandwiches too.

Don't even bring it near the house: Bacon -- UGH this pains me. But seeing commercials with bacon on TV makes my stomach just twist. The smell also makes me a little angry. Orange juice. Burgers.

Missing: Being able to work out, or do anything, and eat anything.  I've been so lazy.  A trip to the grocery store leaves me needing a nap and it has been a harder adjustment.

Feeling: Nauseous as all hell. Words cannot even put into a description how nauseous I've been.  Thankfully my doctor was able to prescribe a medicine that has made me able to function, but I'm still miserably nauseous.  No vomiting though!

Emotions: I cried because I bought Kit Kat's instead of Reese's on accident, but I honestly find that completely ok because I can't even eat Kit Kat's.  Relatively happy, a smidge more emotional than normal.  And needy. Lol. 

Looking forward to:  This third month and getting into the second trimester. Hopefully feeling better and being able to actually get some energy to do things. 

06 September 2017

Big Announcement

If you follow on social media, this isn't new news but I wanted to make it blog official! We're expecting baby Hajner this March are are SO incredibly excited! Words honestly can't begin to describe all the emotions we've been feeling.  We've been hoping and praying for this, and the timing is pretty perfect so we're just ecstatic!

I wrote a post at the end of my second month that I'll be publishing soon, and have one from my third month as well. I haven't been feeling the best, and thank God for modern day medicine. I know it could be worse, but it also definitely could be better! At least little one is an amazing reason to be sick for!

I'm thinking of possibly doing weekly bump dates, or may just do monthly bump dates, or possibly neither.  I'm still up in the air about it all!