10 March 2014

Weekly Wishes // 4

I'm writing this as I'm chugging down coffee and pressing "call back" on Southwests customer care line for the 20th time. . it's a Monday morning at its finest.

Last weeks wishes were a bust. I tried! Things definitely just did not line up well. I did get a nannying job though so I am so excited to be starting later this morning!

Last weeks wishes:
[1] Book my ticket home! I'm going home for a week in March (I'm so excited) and need to get my tickets. I planned on using my free round trip voucher to get home. Two entire days on the phone with Airtran and then Southwest and some calls in-between is leaving this impossible. Someone gave me their customer relations number yesterday but its been busy all morning. Woo. 
[2] Book our reservations for our dating anniversary! It's the 15th so I want to make sure we get in at the time we want. 
[3] Try a new recipe. 
[4] Research and decide what plants and veggies I want to plant for summer. I bought bulbs and dirt from Sam's for flowers that I intend on planting tomorrow or Wednesday, but I didn't get to sit down and look up veggies! 

This week:
[1] Figure out when I can use my tickets to visit either home or my grandparents. Maybe even get in touch with customer relations and actually get home next week. .

[2] Buy sunscreen so I don't get burnt to a crisp again like I did on Saturday. I haven't been fried this crispy in a looooooong time. 

[3] Get all proofs and orders completed. 

[4] Continue on my running plan! I've been doing well and don't want to let this sunburn throw me off my game! 

I hope y'all have a great week lined up as well! 

The Nectar Collective

03 March 2014

Weekly Wishes // 3

I just had an internal dilemma about posting my weekly wishes this week. We just got back from Sam's and I'm tired, so so tired, and the dogs are both actually napping for once so I feel like I should just sit on my couch and take a nap as well.  And while I'm sure most of you can care less what my weekly wishes are I remembered how accomplished I feel when I can finally cross things off my list. So here's a look at how this first week of March is going to look!

Last weeks wishes:
[1] I failed on starting my  Once Upon A Time sampler so this is sadly back on the to do list for this week. I'm really going to focus on making sure I start it!  I started my sampler, and then realized I was doing it wrong ::head smack:: so now to restart again! It is looking so adorable though so I don't really mind too too much! 

[2] There's only one week left in my get swoll  February directive  and I want to finish with a bang! 
[3] Create a custom sale for my Etsy shop held here on the blog. It's going to be a really really good sale featuring one of my stationery sets and y'all aren't going to want to miss out on it! It'll be up on the within the week! These fabulous notes are on pre-sale right here on the blog! The sale is only going on until Friday so make sure to get a set! 

[4] Set up my blogging notebook! I'm so excited to be testing something by Kate and want to get my blogger notebook into check. I have quite a few printed pages that I'm working with for the blog and in order to save my sanity they really need to be organized. While I'm not one to really have pre-written scheduled posts (these are written more on the spot) this notebook is fabulous!! I have a bunch of ideas written down, and can use it to write down important things happening in my life. You can even get it for 15% off by entering the code ABD15 at checkout! 

This Week:

[1] Book my ticket home! I'm going home for a week in March (I'm so excited) and need to get my tickets.  

[2] Book our reservations for our dating anniversary! It's the 15th so I want to make sure we get in at the time we want. 

[3] Try a new recipe. 

[4] Research and decide what plants and veggies I want to plant for summer. 

The Nectar Collective