17 September 2012


That title is still hitting me by shock. Slowly -- very slowly -- I'm coming to terms with the fact that this entire weekend wasn't  a dream and that Nic and I are in fact engaged. Engaged!!! Oh my golly goodness.

Words aren't capturing the emotions and joy that was felt this day. So while I am going to try my very hardest to tell you all what happened and convey the happiness and love that we felt, there are pictures at the bottom of this post that I'm sure will get the job done if I somehow can't.

I truly don't even know where to begin. Some of y'all have responded with "it was only a matter of time" and you're right. . you could say this day has been in the making for six and a half years but it still is just so surreal.

Saturday started off extremely busy. While we had a pleasant day planned it was jammed packed and started quite early as Nic had to leave around 5 to get back to the Academy on time for his morning work-outs. We had the whole day. He was getting done with his workouts around 12:30-1 and then Eevah and I were heading over for a quick picnic.

After leaving later than I was supposed to, hitting traffic and not being able to find parking I finally sat outside of seventh wing texting Nic that I was there so we could trek over to hospital point together. While I was excited for the picnic it was warm and I was tired of walking so when Nic responded. "My car's in the parking lot. The keys are in the front tire if you don't mind driving it over for me. :)" I didn't think twice.  Yes, it was a little odd but I didn't have to walk so I was happy.

As I was driving over I looked across the water to the fields where we have our picnics to see a group of mids standing around in their chokers (the absurdly fancy long sleeve special occasion uniforms). I snickered to myself about how much it must stink to be standing out there in the sun. As I pulled up I was directed on where to park by a boy I had never met before. Eevah jumped out of the car as soon as I opened the door (lovely little doggy). Upon finding the other end to her leash I hopped out of the car and was told to "follow the rose petal path". I gave him a quizzical look until I walked around the car and saw exactly that. . a path of red rose petals leading up to the guys in chokers and my Nicholas. I didn't know what to do so I clung to Eevah as though my life depended on it and just followed the rose petals.

Someone said something and their swords were forming an arch that I walked under. When I finally got to Nic he had me put Eevah down and took both of my hands in his. Before I could catch my breathe and process what was happening my best friend in the entire world was down on one knee asking me to marry him.

Only after congratulations from all of his friends who make this so special and while we were sitting by the water enjoying our picnic did it really hit me. My best friend just asked me to marry him in the most romantic, and surprising way I could ever imagine. We're getting married. :: cue giggles :: I haven't stopped smiling since nor have I stopped staring at the gorgeous ring on my finger.

I can truly say I have never been happier in my life and I think I can vouch for the fact that he hasn't been either. I've never felt surrounded by so much love and joy, it continues to bring me to tears.

Thank you so much for all of your well wishes! Enjoy the pictures!


12 September 2012

Family Time

I'm the type of person who tries to hold off on the "social media trends" for as long as I can. It took me forever to get a twitter (and even longer to actually use it) and the same goes for instagram. But just like twitter I'm now becoming obsessed. I bring this up because my family recently flew up to Pennsylvania for a wedding and I was lucky enough to meet them at my grandparents for a few days. Their home was jam packed with two toddlers, a puppy, and five adults so it made for quite an interesting time. 

I forgot my camera so I relied on my phone and instagram. The pictures came out quite cute and here are a few of my favorites.

If you don't already and you want to stay more up-to-date with what's going on in my every day life you can click on those handy new icons in the top right of my blog. For those of you who do have instragram you can follow me @kamariahr.

Have a fabulous week and take lots of pictures!

Ciao. xoxo.

10 September 2012

Motivational Monday: Goals

Now that the fall semester is in full swing I've decided to put together a "goals and motivation" post. I personally do better when I can visualize what my goals are and forgetfulness is removed from the equation of getting things done. And who knows, maybe some of you share the same goals and we can work together by encouraging each other to meet them! I attempting to separate my goals from needing to be completed this month vs those that were for the semester but quite a few overlapped in both sections so I left it as one list.

- Post about my apartment. In two Fridays I am going to be living here for FIVE months! Time is flying by, I feel like I just left Florida yesterday. The worst part about this is that I haven't posted anything showing y'all what my fabulous apartment looks like. It's coming, I promise!
- Paint my apartment
- Try a new recipe at least once a week. Sloppy Joe's are good, and cheap, and easy to make. They've always been a favorite of mine and since moving on my own they've become a staple in my diet. I have a freezer full of meats -- good recipe worthy meat -- so there's really no reason I can't broaden my horizon a bit.
- Go to happy hour with friends (or video chat/dinner party/wine night) at least once a week.

I've realized it's quite easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of school, nannying and seeing nic on the weekends making it easy to forget about quality friend time. Not being in a dorm means I'm not being forced to "bond" with people. . I mean I don't need someone to go to dinner with. And I'm done partying so there goes that "activity". I have a great group of friends up here and quality girl time is getting an umph up in my priority list.
- Blog more! I've been slacking on my blogging. I have six drafts started but I just keep procrastinating publishing them. I'll be getting on that. 
- Not procrastinate. Oh what a typical goal college/school/everyone goal. I don't get home until 10:30-11 on Monday and Wednesday and have to leave at 7 on Tuesday and Thursday. This weekend starts the busy weekend schedule, and football games start next weekend. I want to get all A's so study time it is. (Also I want study buddies!)
- Go to Church every Sunday. I'm ashamed to say I've only gone to church twice since moving up here.  But I am proud to say I went to church by myself for the first time yesterday. It's a pleasant five minute walk away. There's absolutely no reason not to go. 
- Gym! Over the summer Nic and I signed up for Gold's together. I was doing GREAT for a while, running at least three times a week. .and then I went home, lost my grove and haven't gone back since. Whoops? I also have never run a 5k, or marathon, or anything and I really want to without making a fool of myself. There's a 5k at a vineyard at the end of October that just has my name all over it. 

I'm leaving y'all with a happy little quote that is going to be my inspiration for the week. We all have our own dreams and whether you're focusing on those that are big and grand or the smaller and "goals" it's important to never lose sight of them.

Have a great week love bugs!

Ciao!  xoxo.

PS: I hope you like what I've done with the place! :)