29 January 2013


We got our first snow last week! I swore it was flurrying late one night when I took Eevah out, just add 6 hours to that and I woke up to a beautifully snow covered outside! While Eevah has walked in harder snow at my grandparents she's never experienced in fluffy snow before. I'm quite happy to report that she absolutely loved it! 

You can't hate cold weather when it's so beautiful and white outside. 

our little snow bunny

we decided to walk on the ice for a little bit 
::shhhhh don't tell mom::

our perfect little family

Oh, and here's a little video of Eevah running through the snow:

25 January 2013

Engagement Photos

We had our engagement photos taken by my fabulous sister, the photographer at Sugar Bee Bee Photography, while we were home over Thanksgiving break. They turned out absolutely amazing! I honestly couldn't be happier. I hope y'all like them as much as we do. Oh, and here's a crazy fact, we're getting married in 127 days! Eek!! 

ps. I feel like I should apologize for how many pictures there are buuuuut I narrowed it down a LOT

the photos above and below are two of my personal favorites 
Much love to everyone. I'm super happy. Also, so much love to my amazing fiancé. I love you so much Nicholas!


16 January 2013

Our Christmas Break

This Christmas was a hectic but really fun. Nic and I spent out first Christmas Eve/Christmas Day together and it was fabulous!  We went to Christmas Eve mass with his family in St.Pete and then came home and had Christmas Eve dinner with my family followed by a midnight mass. It was so nice to wake up next to each other and open presents together. Nic's family doesn't do the silly underwear and sock type presents so it was amusing to see 

We've never really talked about our individual families Christmas traditions before so it was fun to learn how differently we celebrated it throughout our childhoods. For example, all of our presents as kids were from Santa, while all of Nic's were from his parents and only one came from Santa. Interesting. . I can't wait until we have kids so we can smooth everything together. 

We made homemade peppermint vodka as gifts and it was awful. Darn you Pinterest. But hey, at least the thoughts were there. We also actually went out for New Years Eve, weird, but fun!