07 December 2017


To say things have been hectic lately is an understatement.  We still don't have a house to move into in Meridian and are moving the 13th. . we just got our movers finalized, I need to inventory all of our high value items and update our renters insurance, and I've just been having horrendous heartburn.  Oh, it's also the last week of my school semester and shoot -- I feel like all I've been doing is work!

Needless to say it has been a bit hard to just take a break and sit back and feel grateful and thankful for the things around me instead of stressed and overwhelmed.  Our original plan was to drive home for Thanksgiving but our last trip home made me realize that sitting in the car more than two hours is going to result in misery, and when you're on a tight leave schedule you can't take two days to make a 7 hour trip. .  We therefore changed everything up and around and invited everyone up for the holidays.   Nic's family already had plans and in true fashion, my parents weren't able to figure out if they could come until the day before, but at noon they were heading on up for less than a 48 hour visit.

It can be so easy to just get overwhelmed and lonely in this lifestyle.  Are we making the right decisions?  Am I not being a big enough of a trooper and should we just drive home?  So many questions are constantly running through my head and this pregnancy seems to have just eliminated my ability to come to a conclusion and let go.  I just hone in on something and bring it up about ten times (bless Nic for dealing with me) until it's too late and the decision is already made.

As I was waiting for my parents to arrive I realized a few things. . Nic and I have been together eleven years and this would be his first time spending Thanksgiving with my family.   I haven't spent Thanksgiving with them in four years.  And even though it was a fast trip, there truly isn't anything better than being able to cook with your parents and just make memories.

We woke up super early Friday to go get poinsettias, and then Starbucks, Target and Petsmart and it truly was the most pleasant Black Friday shopping experience in the world. Target was less crowded than it is on a normal day.  After breakfast we were home and my parents were on their way back to Orlando and life began to resume again.

But we had that time.  And while we're moving in the middle of December, Nic is still home. And I still am able to have a mini fake tree in the interim. And most importantly, little girl loves to give a solid kick or two when I seem to be having an extra hard moment.

So here's to taking a step back and truly enjoying the little things. Whether it's a phone call from a loved one, a quick visit, an email or just a hot coffee -- they really are the little things that get us thru the hard days.