04 December 2013


Our first holiday as a married couple was absolutely perfect. We had so much fun cooking together, and I realized I had no idea how much work went into making Thanksgiving dinner. I usually sat upstairs watching the Macy's parade while my parents did most of the work.

I had a few nightmares about burning the turkey, or undercooking it and giving us food poisoning, but it came out perfect! I must say I am so incredibly proud. One thing we did find out is that you can still buy frozen turkey's that are already stuffed. Which is really gross and just doesn't work since I can't eat wheat. So Thanksgiving morning we were bathing the turkey in the sink in an attempt to get all of the stuffing out. It thankfully worked, but now we'll always check the package before we buy it.

Another unfortunate thing we learned is that there is such a thing as a white sweet potato. And they're hard as rocks.  We of course bought about eight white sweet potatoes which I couldn't cut and Nic didn't want to eat (I didn't either, but it's a lot easier to just blame him). Thankfully Von's was still open so I was able to get the correct color potatoes. Which are still extremely hard to cut.

A few hours later and we had a beautiful table with our china, a centerpiece that Nic's dad sent, and a feast for at least five. While we definitely overcooked, one of the best parts of Thanksgiving is the left overs. And we had some for days.

I'm not sure how, but we managed not to take of picture of the two of us. Alas, Christmas is right around the corner.

I'm so thankful for all of the wonderful people in our lives. I've also realized how much I truly love this blog. I decided to update it a bit so take a look around and feel free to add me onto your bloglovin' feed! 

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