14 December 2012

Christmas-time in the Apartment

While this doesn't exactly count as our "first" Christmas together because we're drove home on the twentieth. .  it's the first time that one of us has our own place to decorate.  Being college students, wedding planning, and without really good paying jobs. . we had a little wiggle room when it came to decorating funds. I did however manage to "borrow" a few awesome vintage pieces from my grandmothers house during the summer and they blend in quite perfectly if I do say so myself!

We also we out and bought our first Christmas tree! I had finals until the 19th which means we spent most of December in our little abode and there was therefore no reason not to have a tree. Getting it into Nic's mustang was a little bit of an ordeal but we (he) managed to fit it in. I even muttered my mom's favorite words of "how hard can it be?" and made my very own wreath from the branches that were trimmed off of our little guy. It's a bit quirky but I did it all by myself and I am darn proud! 

I'm really proud of how home-y the apartment feels. I'll admit that I was a little weary of this holiday season because of how off last years was but it's looking like it's going to be just magical.

I hope your decorating is going well and you're in the Christmas spirit! 

Ciao love bugs. xoxo

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